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Analysis of the choice of wet and dry separation of the bathroom six reasons

2017-08-21 15:57:58
With the improvement of home quality, people's demand for bathroom space is also becoming more diverse, separate bathroom, including beauty, comfort, safety, line, function and storage, quite in line with modern living habits!  1. floor no longer wet answer bathroom safe catch!Traditional bathroom easily lead to slippery ground, increase the slip crisis, can not take into account the needs of elders and children. Dry and wet separation bathroom will shower and wash basin area accurate separation, so that the environment more dry and comfortable.  If you are used to rinse your body and then take a bath, you may wish to arrange the bath area in a better ventilation window position, and with better drainage of the floor material, the same will not affect the wash area.  2. and top-off bathroom so that you and annoying moisture said byebye!  Winter bath most afraid of the cold, and the top of the separation of the bathroom in addition to the warm water can stay in the shower area, but will not let the moisture exposed, effectively avoid the system cabinet and all kinds of building materials because of wet shortened life. If you use a lot of expensive metal in the bathroom space, wood furniture or building materials, and the top door can protect the furniture, to extend the service life.  3. people are not afraid of many people! One to solve the pain of grab the toilet!  Brother would like to take a bath, my brother would like to brush your teeth, the morning is always like a toilet to fight! If only one toilet, may wish to plan for the separate bathroom, can be used at the same time, a substantial increase in the efficiency of the use of the toilet!  4. line clear storage, clean no pressure!  Traditional sanitary ware does not have a clear storage plan, spare parts are easy to messy, easier to mold, breed bacteria, separate design so that the dry area is suitable for setting up to accommodate a sufficient independent cabinet, clean and neat.  5. reserved exclusive bath area every day life dream and comfortable!  If the area is enough, it is recommended that you can shower, shower, storage and toilet area clearly cut, and expand the bath area, so that bathing into a beautiful and enjoy life ring!  6. combined with the locker room to create a smooth shower line!  Dry and wet separation of the bathroom space with the dressing room, dresser combination, so that you walk out of the bathroom, is already radiant look! Follow the planning of changing clothes, make-up, wash and rear shower function, so that life line is more smooth, double wash the bathroom can also make use of a substantial increase in efficiency.

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