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The whole house is customized into the bathroom industry hot spot

2017-08-21 16:15:26

In recent years, customization, especially the whole house customization has become a hot topic in the development of t♛he industry, custom enterprises listed IPO has become a major highlight of the development of the industry. The overall development of the industry in the relatively slow situation, the development of custom home rapid momentum, has won more attention inside and outside the industry. Custom home business have also from the original cabinet custom or wardrobe custom, began to customize𒈔 the development of the whole house.

Why is the development of the whole house developed rapidly? What is t♍he essential development of its essence? Is the whole house customization really as 𓄧bright as the people say?

Custom home development from home improvement. We are familia♊r with the custom home generally includes caꦕbinets, wardrobes and wooden doors.

We discussed the development of the various categories of home improvement. The current custom home has gone through such a development process: first from the field production for the development of home improvement company's backcourt production site installation; and then develop to the brand of single-category custom home operations; and then more types of custom home Brand operation; finally to the whole house custom brand operation.

So we see tw🍬o more strange phenomenon: First, although the custom home is mostly wood, but was classified as building materials; Second, from the custom to the development of the whole house customization, furniture was pulled in. At this time the custom is building materials or furniture? Unconsciously already clear.

This is unclear, and perhaps a criticism of our current class. For home improvement consumers, custom wardrob🧜e is furniture?

Perhaps, from the point of view of home improvement consumers, we may be more aware of some of thﷺe problems that oꦐur industry thinks is.

The development of the whol✅e house customization is driven by the demand logic of home improvement consumers. We should always keep in mind: home improvement consumers only have a basic demand, which is to decorate a new home, and this new home mus💖t have a full set of furniture, and this full set of furniture must match the overall decoration style.

If so, we may be very eaജsy to understand why the whole house customization in recent years the most important reason for the fire up.

Another major reason for custom home development may be that the use of housing space is becoming more and more important because of rising house prices over the years. Make full use of 🦹the housing of each inch of space, not only to increase the more storage function, and can make the whole house decoration design seamless, which is the whole house custom can be done.

When it comes to customization, we can not help but think of the concept of individuality. The question is:🌸 Is customization equal to personalization? Does the customization needs of home improvement consumers belong to individual needs?

This is the concept of two very easy to be confused, and even two concepts tha💙t are deliberately confused. On the issue of customization and personalization, we may need some discussion.

First of all, customization and personalization mean that the individual consumer products are different. But the key question is: what's the difference?

As the home custom, its essence is the size of the diff🐻erent; and we usual📖ly refer to the individual needs of consumption, is the product design style, product features, grade and the use of materials and so on. If we do the above distinction, we may have personalized customization and standardization of the points.

In other words, customization and personalization are completely different concepts, the two can be superimposed between the use. Customization can be standardized, it can b🎃e personalized.

In recent years, customization, especially the whole house customization has become a hot topic in the development of the industry, custom enterprises listed IPO has become a major highlight of the development of the industry. The ov💧erall development of the industry in the relatively slow situation, the development of custom home rapid momentum, has won more attention inside and outside the industry. Custom home business have also from the original cabinet custom or wardrobe custom, began to customize the development of the whole house.

Why is the development of the w🃏hole house developed rapidly? What is the essentiཧal development of its essence? Is the whole house customization really as bright as the people say?

Custom home development from home improvement. We are famili𒁃ar with the custom home generally includes cabinets, wardrobe♔s and wooden doors.

We discussed the development of the various categories of home improvement. The current custom home has gone through such a development process: first from the field production for the development of home improvement company's backcourt production site installation; and then develop to the brand of single-category custom home operations; and then more types of custom home Brand operation; finally to the whole house custom brand operation.

So we see two more strange phenomenon: First, although the custom home is mostly wood, but was classi✱fied as building materials; Second, from the custom to the development of the ꦅwhole house customization, furniture was pulled in. At this time the custom is building materials or furniture? Unconsciously already clear.

This is unclear, a🥂nd perhaps a criticism of our current class. For home improvement consumers, custom wardrobe is furniture?

Perhaps, from the point of view 🤪of home improvement consumers, we may be more aware of some of the problems that our industry thinks ⛦is.

The development of the whole house customization is driven by the demand logic of home improvꦐement consumers. We should always keep in mind: home improvement consumers only have a basic demand, which is to decorate a new home, and this new home must have a full set of furniture, and this full set of furniture must match the overall decoration style.

If so, we may be very easy to understand why the whole house customization in recent years the most important reason🍸 for the fire up.

Another major reason for custom home development may be that the use of housing space is becoming more and more important because of rising house prices over the years. Make full🍎 use of the housing of each inch of space, not only to increase the more storage function, and can make the whole house decoration design seamless, which is the whole house custom can be done.

When it comes to customization, we can not help but th꧑ink of the concept of individuality. The question is: Is customization equal to personalization? Does the customization needs of home improvement consumers belong to individual needs?

This is the concept of two very easy to be confused, 𝓀and even two concepts that are deliberately confused. On the issue of customization and personalization, we may need some discussion.

First of all, customization and personalization mean that the individual consumer products are different. But the key question is: what's the difference?

As the home custom, its esse꧟nce is the size of the different; and we usually refer to the individual needs of consumption, is the product deܫsign style, product features, grade and the use of materials and so on. If we do the above distinction, we may have personalized customization and standardization of the points.

In other words, customization and personalization are completely different concepts, the two can be superimpo♚sed b﷽etween the use. Customization can be standardized, it can be personalized.

Second, personali💟zed customiz💝ation will be the future development trend?

Now a few people are advocating personalized development trend, that as long as there is a flexible production of the so-called industrial 4.0 technology, personalized custom production is no ꦍproblem. Ever since, full of streets are personalized custom, are C2M.

These advocate personalized customization people may not see a little, which i🐼s the key to C2M customization in fact not in the so-called industry 4.0 technology, while providing the entire personalized product and service supply chain system. For example, any custom product provided by a customized company must be limited, its design style is limited, the number of custom products is limited, and even the size of most custom products are modular. The purpose of this is to optimize the supply chain system for customized products and services, reduce operating costs and improve operational efficiency, thereby enhancing market competitiveness.

So we see a very interesting phenomenon: in other industries talk about personal customization at the same time, our industry is trying to customize from the low ꦏefficiency of the constraints of freedom out of efforts to achieve standardization and customization.

Recently the Internet is hotter. So we talk𓆏 about the relationship between the Internet and the whole house customization.

The development of Internet integration comes from the Internet home improvement, a home improvement for 🍸home imprꦺovement consumer home improvement elements of the organization of the organization. Internet integration is a natural extension of the Internet home improvement: from the basic development of the decoration to the soft, including the overall decoration. This natural extension, but it is the Internet home improvement to the whole house customization of the service for themselves.

We have repeatedly talked about the Internet home improvement and the whole house between the game of the problem. Internet home improvement and home customization are determined by the basic needs of home improvement consumers, so that the development of Internet home improvement for the Internet is an inevitable trend, and by the whole house custom development seems to be inevitable trend. As a result, the Internet home improvement and customization o🎃f the whole house must have a fight.

The essence of this competition is the effective organization of the elements of home improve𒊎ment: who is more able to effectively organize all kinds of home improvement elements? Who can provide a better user experience? Who can get higher operational efficiency?

"Better user experience and higher operational efficiency" is a key indicator of how we measure the effective organization of hom꧑e improve♛ment elements.

Internet home improvement and the whole house b🌌etween the game is to compete for home improvement elements of the design initiative. With regard to design dominance, we will discuss it later in the article.

Here a simple look at the whole house custom future dev𒁃elopment direction.

The first question is: the whole house must b෴e customized to the development of custo♔m?

We have said that the whole house custom Ye Hao, the whole worth🌠 mentioning, to promote its development of the internal driving force, that is, home improvement consumer demand logic. In other words, the development of the industry and the development of enterprises, will focus on home improvement elements of the effective form of the basic logic to the development of the whole house customization is a subset of the whole, is the development process of a phased product, So the whole house custom development of the results must be complete.

Judging the whole house custom to the development of another logical basis is: compared with the Internet home improvement or complete, the whole house is customized in the home improvement consumer flow downstream. If the whole house is customized to get enough consumption flow, it needs to evolve into the form of service. This point, we from the "design dܫominance" concept may be more clear: when the Internet home improvement or the use of enterprises in the hands of the "design dominance" to complete the home improvement design, the whole house custom also included The

So, in addition to a very individual bus🃏iness, the vast majority of the whole house custom enterprises may eventually choose the integral business development. On this point, when we put forward more than a year ago, may not have many people recognized. But now we have found more and more custom companies began to get involved in the decoration business.

Th𝔍e second question is: the whole house custom to the development of the whole, what are the advantages and disadvantages? That is: the whole house custom enterprises may become a co♊mplete service business?

Custom 🔜business to the whole business, there are 🌠advantages and disadvantages.

Advantage is the hardest part of the home improvement business, is the custom product service. The current Internet home improvement is difficult to quickly start an important reason is that the Internet home improvement supply chain is not yet sound, and one of the most critical, but𒁏 the custom product supply chain is not perfect. Relying on its own perfect service supply chain and excellent service quality, as well as custom products production capacity, the whole house custom enterprises in the development of the game is a unique advantage.

Disadvantages are home improvement, after all, with the home custom service is different, involving more types of work and con♔struction services. In particular, for large-scale all-room custom enterprises, this business change is not only to increase a business unit or to add a business so simple, but the entire enterprise organization of an organizational chang✱e. Related to the organizational organization of change things, we have good reason to think more difficult.

In fact, from the custom home to the whole house customizatio൲n, and then to the integrate⛦d services, custom business development logic and development trajectory, may be able to better illustrate our pan-home industry along the "home improvement elements effective organization," the basic logic of the development Profile.

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